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Case ID: 5142
Classification: Poisoning
Animal: other wildlife
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Poison injected into animals' lungs
Cleveland, OH (US)

Incident Date: Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005
County: Cuyahoga

Disposition: Alleged

Alleged: man

A Cleveland animal trapper is accused of injecting poison into the lungs animals he caged. Jed Mignano, chief investigator for the Cleveland Animal Protective League, executed a search warrant at Cages by Jim on July 20 on West 139th Street.

Mignano said the business traps wild animals that are considered a nuisance to homeowners, like raccoons, groundhogs stray cats and kittens.

Mignano said the trapper was using acetone injections, the main ingredient in nail polish remover, to kill wild animals he trapped. It's a poison similar to paint thinner injected into the animals' lungs.

"I think a lot of people think when they call a trapper that the animals are released. Actually, they're killed," said Dori Villalon with the APL.

Officials said that it can be a slow agonizing death for the animals.

The APL is also concerned that some trappers claim the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is giving them approval to use acetone instead of a more expensive but humane injection. ODNR denies it.

This case will be referred to the prosecutor for possible charges of animal cruelty.


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