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Case ID: 4996
Classification: Throwing
Animal: cat
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Three kittens thrown from SUV
Milwaukee, WI (US)

Incident Date: Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005
County: Milwaukee

Disposition: Open

Suspect(s) Unknown - We need your help!

Three kittens were thrown out the window of a moving sport utility vehicle on the afternoon on June 29, killing one of the animals, Milwaukee police said. Shortly after noon, a late-model black SUV was seen near N. Teutonia Ave. and W. Good Hope Road, and someone threw the kittens out the window, Inspector Vince Flores said Thursday.

One of the kittens died, one ran away and hasn't been found, and one climbed up a tree, Flores said. A passer-by who tried to get the kitten out of the tree was bitten.

That kitten, an 8-week-old common shorthair domestic breed, was taken to the Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control Commission, said Len Selkurt, the commission's executive director.

Workers at the commission examined the cat and didn't find any signs of abuse. They weren't able to confirm its gender because it was aggressive, Selkurt said.

"It's real frightened, hiding in its litter box, ears back," Selkurt said.

Commission staff will watch the kitten for 10 days for signs of rabies and then, because the animal has bitten a human, it will most likely be euthanized, he said.

If someone adopts an animal known to have bitten someone and that animal bites again, the owner can be fined for double the cost of treating the bite, he said.

Selkurt said it's rare for people to throw animals out the window of a moving vehicle.

"A couple of years ago, someone threw a rabbit out the window, but no, it's not common," he said. "Who knows what went through their head when they decided to toss them out the window?"

Police are looking for the black SUV. Anyone with more information is asked to call police at (414) 935-7302.

If you have information on this case, please contact:
Milwaukee police
(414) 935-7302


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