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Case ID: 4911
Classification: Burning - Fire or Fireworks
Animal: dog (non pit-bull)
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Dog's carcass found burned to the bone
Lavington, NSW (AU)

Incident Date: Friday, Jun 24, 2005

Disposition: Open

Suspect(s) Unknown - We need your help!

The charred remains of a dog, possibly burnt alive, have been found near a smouldering garbage bin less than 5m from a childrens play area. The discovery was made by two children, aged 10 and 8, as they played on the swings in Black Range Park at Lavington on June 24, 2005.

Mother of two Jodie Leeners said her children had run home from the park to tell her that a wheelie bin was alight and a small dog with its legs tied was fuelling the flames.

"The contents of the bin had been scattered around a tree and were alight as well and there was the carcass of the dog," she said.

"When we got there we could see that it was a small dog that was severely burnt you could see its ribs and flesh.

"It was about 20cm to 30cm long, about the size of a chihuahua.

"I just hope it died quickly."

Ms Leeners, who took it on herself to dispose of the dog, said her children were horrified by the discovery.

"The animal may have already been dead before the fire was lit but that is no excuse," she said.

"The animal was completely burnt through to its ribs."

Albury Sgt Jaimie Lapworth said police inquiries were unable to determine whether the dog had been placed in the bin dead or alive.

Sgt Lapworth said police did have powers to charge people with animal cruelty but cases were generally referred to the RSPCA for prosecution.


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