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Case ID: 5139
Classification: Mutilation/Torture
Animal: dog (non pit-bull)
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Pug found with vulva sewed shut
Fayetteville, NC (US)

Incident Date: Thursday, Jul 14, 2005
County: Cumberland

Disposition: Open
Case Images: 4 files available

Suspect(s) Unknown - We need your help!

Case Updates: 2 update(s) available

On July 14, a pug with her vulva sewn shut was moved from the Fayetteville Animal Shelter to the Pug Rescue of North Carolina.  After vets examined her, it was determined that she suffered from an inverted bladder, prolapsed uterus, huge cyst on her urethra connecting a kidney to her bladder, heartworm positive,  severe mastitis- bloody and black pus oozing from her breasts, hernia in her diaphragm and extensive infection.  The pug had been bred many times, and it is suspected that she may have been part of a puppy mill. She has the number #62 tattooed in her left ear.

The pug, named "Bunny" by the Pug Rescue of NC, has undergone surgery and is improving.  If you wish to make a donation towards Bunny's extensive medical bills, please visit the Pug Rescue of North Carolina website at 

No arrests have been made, and there are no leads.

Case Updates

With each passing day, Bunny was getting better, and was happy. However today, she started peeing blood, felt sick, not eating and the swelling of her behind had started again! Back to the doctor she goes. They put her on pain meds and were able to relieve the fluids. Bunny is back in the hospital.
Source: Pug Rescue of NC - Sept 5, 2005
Update posted on Sep 6, 2005 - 4:23PM 
From the Pug Rescue of North Carolina:

"Bunny is on an antibiotic in preparation for her heartworm treatment. It seems the very latest info on heartworms indicates that they carry bacteria, which helps the worms to both invade and fight off treatment. This symbiotic relationship benefits both the worms and the bacteria, so now the thought is to give an antibiotic proven to kill the bacteria prior to the heartworm treatment��.. To really wipe the heartworms out!!

"She will not need any further surgeries and her bowels now work correctly too. Therefore, Dr. Harling feels my goal of having her healthy and ready to go to her forever home at our picnic on October 22, 2005 is easily attainable!"

Be sure to visit the Pug Rescue of NC website to see fantastic photos of Bunny after all of her surgeries - she has been given a new lease on life thanks to your kindness.

No arrests have been made, and to our knowledge, there are still no suspects.
Source: Pug Rescue of North Carolina
Update posted on Sep 5, 2005 - 5:21AM 


Pug Rescue of North Carolina - July 14, 2005
Yahoo News

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