Case Details

Dog shot
Littleton, CO (US)

Incident Date: Tuesday, Jan 30, 2001
County: Arapahoe
Local Map: available
Disposition: Convicted

Abuser/Suspect: Ryan Metzger

Case ID: 3398
Classification: Shooting
Animal: dog (pit-bull)
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Approximately 3 years from when Ryan Metzger shot a pet pitbull named Bo, he was convicted of animal cruelty and sentenced to six months in jail. 

This incident took place in Arapahoe County, Colorado on January 30, 2001.  Metzger failed to appear for court hearings repeatedly.  He finally was arrested on a failure to appear warrant in February of 2004 and they held him until his jury trial.  The jury found him guilty of animal cruelty and he was sentenced to six months in Arapahoe County jail.

In a two page letter addressing the court where she asked that part of Metzger's sentence include restitution paid to the Dumb Friends League, Cathi Smith (Bo's owner) relayed Bo's friendly demeanor and how much he enjoyed family activities and car rides.

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Arapahoe County Case #18501M00192

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