Case Details

Dog killed, beaten with board and shot
New Smyrna Beach, FL (US)

Incident Date: Saturday, Dec 12, 1998
County: Volusia
Local Map: available
Disposition: Convicted

Abuser/Suspect: David E. Baltzegar

Case ID: 3277
Classification: Beating, Shooting
Animal: dog (pit-bull)
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A man convicted of killing his dog by beating it with a board then shooting it with a rifle has been sentenced to six months in jail, six months house arrest and two years probation.

David E. Baltzegar was found guilty recently on two charges - use of a firearm in the commision of a felony and cruelty to animals, police said.

Oak Hill Police Officer Adam Bucher said Baltzegar shot his dog, a pit bull mix, before beating it almost to death with a 2 by 4 plank.

The attack occurred Dec 12, 1998. A witness called 911 to report Baltzegar was beating his dog with a board. The yelping dog could be heard over the telephone by police and was recorded. The tape was submitted as evidence in the case.

When police arrived at the scene, Baltzegar was arrested while trying to bury the dog. Bucher reported finding a bloody piece of lumber, blood on the ground and a rifle at the scene.

Police reports said Baltzegar admitted shooting the dog behind his left ear to "put it out of its misery."

The State Attorney's Office said there are numerous special conditions regarding Baltzegar's probation, including one forbidding him to ever carry a weapon, even for hunting; no alcohol consumptipn; no new offenses for the next three years; and he must submit to random urine analysis during his probation.

State Assistant Attorney Leanna J. Smith credited Bucher with a continued interest and involvement in the case.

"I believe this teamwork is wholly responsible for the favorable sentence we received on this case," Smith stated in a letter to the Oak Hill police department.

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Daytona Beach News-Journal - Nov 17, 1999

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