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Case ID: 14697
Classification: Neglect / Abandonment
Animal: horse
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Horse neglect - 14 of 100 seized
Frazier Park, CA (US)

Incident Date: Wednesday, Oct 8, 2008
County: Ventura

Charges: Felony CTA
Disposition: Alleged

» Joan Bor
» Ernie Bor
» Cecelia Bor

Three people were arrested this morning in connection with an investigation into suspected animal cruelty at a Lockwood Valley horse ranch, authorities said.

Joan Bor, 65; her son, Ernie Bor, 30; and his wife, Cecelia Bor, 35, were arrested after Ventura County sheriff's deputies served a search warrant about 7 a.m. today at their Cochema Ranch at 16439 Curtis Trail in Frazier Park, sheriff's spokesman Capt. Ross Bonfiglio said.

All three were arrested on suspicion of multiple counts of felony animal cruelty, Bonfiglio said.

Authorities continued searching the ranch this morning for evidence that the ranch operators failed to provide proper sustenance for the horses, Bonfiglio said.

The investigation into suspected animal cruelty began in late September after neighbors complained to Lockwood Valley deputies that horses were being neglected and underfed at the Cochema Ranch.

Authorities removed 14 of more than 100 horses at the ranch last week after finding them malnourished and in need of immediate medical treatment. The horses were taken to the Ventura County Animal Shelter in Camarillo. One horse had to be euthanized late last week after it collapsed, authorities said.

Ranch owner Joan Bor said last week that the horses were not neglected at her ranch. She said her son bought several of the thinnest horses recently to prevent them from being killed, and that others were simply ill.

Today's arrests came after an investigation by the Sheriff's Department, District Attorney's Office, Humane Society of Ventura County and Ventura County Animal Regulation, which determined that neglect at the ranch rose to the level of criminal animal cruelty, Bonfiglio said.

More than 20 law enforcement personnel were at the ranch this morning, along with four veterinarians, he said.

It was not immediately clear how authorities would handle the horses still at the ranch.

Humane Society officials last week were working with ranch owners to protect those horses.


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