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Case ID: 8870
Classification: Bestiality
Animal: horse
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6 week old pony sexually assaulted, dies
Sweet Water, AL (US)

Incident Date: Sunday, Apr 30, 2006
County: Marengo

Charges: Misdemeanor
Disposition: Acquitted

Person of Interest: Henry T. Lewis

Case Updates: 2 update(s) available

Henry T. Lewis faces charges stemming from his alleged rape of a 6-week-old pony in Marengo County in early May.�At least two witnesses reportedly saw Lewis penetrate the animal. The pony was found dead several days later by her guardian.

Lewis will enter a plea docket to plead guilty, or not guilty, to the lude and offensive acts he committed to bring about cruelty to animals charges.

Last month, a horse owner caught Lewis having sexual intercourse with her six-week-old pony. Days after witnessing the horrid act, the pony was found dead.

But since there are no laws pertaining to bestiality in the state of Alabama, district attorney Greg Griggers said, Lewis faces cruelty to animal charges.

"If he decides to plead guilty, there will be a resolution, but I don't know what Judge Drinkard will decide," Griggers said. "If he doesn't plead guilty it will go on to the trial docket next month. Either he pleads guilty (today) and get it over with, or he has to sit in the courthouse and have people discuss him having sex with a horse."

Case Updates

After pleading not guilty to cruelty to animal charges in June, Henry Lewis left the court a free man subsequent to facing Judge Wade Drinkard in court Tuesday afternoon.

In May, Lewis was caught having sexual intercourse with a six-week-old pony and when the animal died a few days later, the owner believed the death was a result of Lewis' actions.

But since there are no state laws prohibiting bestiality and acts thereof, the prosecution - which in this case was district attorney Greg Griggers - had to prove the pony died as a direct result of Lewis' actions in order for the charges to stick.

"Unfortunately we had very little evidence to prove that what he did caused pain and/or death to the animal," Griggers said. "We just didn't have proof and he was acquitted of the cruelty to animal charges."

Although PETA cruelty caseworker Stephanie Bell said "studies show that offenders who commit bestiality often go on to commit sex crimes against humans," Lewis was set free after sitting silently through his trial.

"He plead not guilty during his plea docket (in June) and that was it," Griggers said. "He didn't testify in court and he didn't have to do anything but sit there. We didn't hear a testimony or any kind of statement from him."

According to Griggers, Lewis still hadn't admitted to having intercourse with the pony, although two witnesses claimed to have caught him in the act.

Although his side lost the case, Griggers said he understands why Drinkard made the decision.

"The case was about cruelty to animals and proving that he killed the pony. It wasn't about him having sex with an animal," Griggers said, "and we couldn't prove that."

Had he been convicted of the charges, Bell requested that Lewis spend a period of time in prison, and that he be required to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation followed by mandatory counseling.

Bell also suggested that any animals in Lewis' possession be taken away and that the courts to prohibit Lewis from having animals in his custody for any amount of time.

However, since the charges were dropped, Bell advises that the community follow this case closely

"Anyone capable of this kind of cruelty," Bell said, "poses a definitive risk to the entire community."
Source: The Demopolis Times - July 13, 2006
Update posted on Jul 13, 2006 - 10:12AM 
A west Alabama man who was allegedly caught having sex with a pony, which died a few days later, pleaded not guilty to misdemeanor animal cruelty.

Marengo County court officials said today that 52-year-old Henry Lewis of rural Dixons Mills is set to stand trial July 11th. Lewis entered the plea during a hearing Tuesday in Linden. Authorities said four women saw the man having sex with a six-week-old horse in a field in early May and tried to stop him. Lewis refused and was gone when they came back with another man.

Alabama is among 15 states that lack a law expressly prohibiting sex with animals, according to Stephanie Bell, a caseworker with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Alabama law does make it a crime to kill or hurt an animal that belongs to someone else, or to subject an animal to cruel mistreatment. But District Attorney Greg Griggers said the case is questionable because the pony was not examined for injuries after its death.

If convicted, Lewis could be sentenced to a six month jail term and fined up to one-thousand dollars. Dixon Mill is located in south Marengo County.
Source: WSFA - June 8, 2006
Update posted on Jun 8, 2006 - 5:59PM 


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