The graph below demonstrates the most common abuse classifications in cases the animal was intentionally bound or tied. Please note that this graph does not take into consideration tethering - only situations where the animal has its limbs, muzzle, etc deliberately bound. The graph is automatically generated by the database, so it provides real-time statistical data. (If you are on a slower connection, please be patient while the graph is generated.)

Conditions for Use in Other Publications

These graphs may be used freely for your websites, reports, publications, etc. as long as the following conditions are met:

  1. You must always include a credit to Pet-Abuse.Com and the AARDAS project with each instance of the graphs
  2. If there is an additional note or disclaimer included with the graph, you must include the disclaimer or note with the graph. (The disclaimers are intended to further explain the data presented. Without the additional information they provide, the data could be misunderstood.)
  3. If you use these graphs on a website, please do NOT link directly to the graphs themselves. Instead, download the graph to your hard drive and upload them to your own webserver.