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Animal Abuse Crime Database Real-Time Graphical Statistics

The statistics in the Abuse Database are now available in full-color, real-time graphs. Click on the snapshot or graph title from the list below for the real-time statistical graph.

The statistics we provide are cumulative, so the graphs are a compilation of all of our cases, not from any particular year. Although our oldest case is from as far back as 1940, the vast majority of our cases is from the years 2000-present. As our database continues to grow, we will add the ability to break reports down by year as well.

Because there is quite a lot of information offered in some of the graph images, some of them are very large - you may wish to maximize your browser window while browsing this section to be able to see the full images without horizontal scrolling. Additionally, if you are on a slow Internet connection, they make take a little while to load. Please be patient.

Life Cycle of Abuse

Types of Abuse/Case Status

Abuse Connection


We Need Your Help!

If you'd like to help support Pet-Abuse.Com and the Animal Abuse database project, please make a small donation to help us continue our work. Pet-Abuse.Com and this project is supported entirely by donations, and we are a volunteer-run organization - the Pet-Abuse.Com staff and participating AARDAS administrators do not get paid for any of what we do, so your donations go directly to the projects we work on. We receive no government funding whatsoever. It is only through your contributions that we can do what we do.

Donations of $200 or more will be listed on our project sponsors page.

Conditions for Use in Other Publications

These graphs may be used freely for your websites, reports, publications, etc. as long as the following conditions are met:

  1. You must always include a credit to Pet-Abuse.Com and the AARDAS project with each instance of the graphs
  2. If there is an additional note or disclaimer included with the graph, you must include the disclaimer or note with the graph. (The disclaimers are intended to further explain the data presented. Without the additional information they provide, the data could be misunderstood.)
  3. If you use these graphs on a website, please do NOT link directly to the graphs themselves. Instead, download the graph to your hard drive and upload them to your own webserver.

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