Before Adopting - Questions to ask yourself

If you're interested in adopting a pet, there are some serious questions that you need to ask yourself - and answer honestly. If you can't answer ALL of these questions, perhaps this isn't the right time to adopt. Sometimes the timing just isn't right to adopt a pet. Pets are a big commitment. They are expensive, time consuming, and sometimes destructive until properly trained. They can also be incredibly rewarding and can enrich your life in a way that nothing else can. One of the keys to being a happy pet owner is to make sure you have considered the situation thoroughly, and have thought about all the possibilities. Happy pet owners make happy pets, (and conversely, unhappy pet owners make unhappy and neglected pets!) so thinking it through will always pay off in the end.

Many of these questions are going come up again in your adoption application if you choose to go through a rescue shelter, and you will be expected to answer them honestly. Be prepared to complete a fairly detailed and personal adoption application process at the rescue shelter. It is the responsibility of the shelter to ensure that the pets they have rescued are going to good homes where the animal will be well treated. Its YOUR responsibility to be sure that you can handle owning a pet, and all that entails.

Remember that no matter how badly you want a pet, you are only being selfish and unfair to the animal if your situation isn't conducive to pet ownership. And you also should realize that if you are not completely honest, and you are forced to give up the pet, you will be losing an animal that you have bonded with and have grown to care about.


Time Investment


Life-Long Responsibility

If there are any questions or points above that you do not feel 100% comfortable with, you may want to wait until your situation has changed so that you are comfortable with all of the issues above, or re-evaluate your choice in pet. For example, if you feel like you might not have the time to devote to training a new puppy, but you feel comfortable with all of the other questions above, you could consider adopting an adult dog, or a cat. Check out PetSmart's page on figuring out what kind of pet will be a good match for you.

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